 Cape Town 3/4


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Cape Town: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4

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Whale 1 mini Whale 2 mini

A southern smooth whale: Southern Right Whale (the name comes from the time as the whales still were hunted. They were the "right", ideal whales to hunt because they contained much of the sought after Tran and the Barten). These whales are developed 15 to 17 m long and can weigh 50 to 65 ts.

Whale 3 mini

The Southern Right Whale can be recognized by the V-shape blowout which results from its two airholes.

Whale 4 mini

A typical behavior: a fin over water.

Whale 5 mini Whale 6 mini

The lobtailing is also a typical behavior.

group of duskies Dusky alone

A group of Dusky-Dolphins. These dolphins become up to 2 m and 90 kg heavy. They can appear in groups with up to several hundred individuals.

brooding penguin

While this African penguin is at brooding...

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Pinguin 1 mini

...this one comes straight from swimming.